Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord.

"14 We must all die; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast." 2 Samuel 14:14 ESV

   This is just a small blog during a time when Good Friday and Easter is brought so low to be credited to a creature that was made by the Creator. Rather than ramble on about why society has been lead astray. Let this article be of rejoicing and gospel calling to those who have fallen away and have truly missed the point of life and of what it means to be a christian.

I chose the verse above because this is the truth, this is Christ, this verse points to Christ in a place of the old testament. Yes context of the story is key as well in 2nd Samuel, but hey it does work. We must all die, that is true, not a single Human being on this earth will outlive time and existence. All will meet their due end. Water that is spilled on the ground and swallowed up by time and the soil from which we were created. You can throw all you want at me, I honestly don't care. Truth is, you and I will die. Are you comfortable with the unknown? Of not knowing IF there is an eternity, and IF  there is, are you fine with not knowing if you're heaven or hell bound? the naivety is senseless.

Christ some 2,000 years ago, walked some of his last steps. And with him dragged a Cross. with him blood dripped to the ground HE CREATED. all the thoughts must have rushed back to his head, thoughts of his childhood, of birthdays, of laughter with friends and family, of spending time with his father being a carpenter. Tears must have streamed from his face... knowing that these final hours would some of the most painful. He knew though, HE KNEW that God had devised a means that those who were lost, the banished, the out cast, the ones he loved could return.

And then the metaphorically triumphant Hallelujah, Christ speaks and says "it is FINISHED". This is the beautiful final chapter.He gives his soul, he takes our sin, he crucifies our sin, became and embodied our sin so that we may have fellowship with the father. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.I once was lost but now I'm found, twas blind but now I see. This Article is simply a call to stand in awe at the greatest moment in history, The Crux of time!  the exact center point in time, everything up to this point was pointing to him, and everything after has been because of him.Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for your bride,your body, your brothers and sisters,your children. Thank you for giving us new life so that we may worship and glorify you and magnify your name forever and ever. Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yes God knows the heart, repent....quickly

"9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
10 "I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." Jeremiah 17:9,10 ESV

   So after what seems to be a  millennium, I have found a new laptop with a very capable space bar (and lights up, and touch screen, the shiny things count ok), which has now allowed me to proceed with blogging, or ranting, debating on which is more accurate.

   So to begin again, There is a common thought out there of "Judge not lest ye be Judged" which is widely taken out of context by the post modern world today to excuse themselves from submitting to a holy a righteous God. However there is also a phrase in the modern Christian's circles that is overly used,widespread and misused at that. The phrase is 'God knows the heart', which in itself is not untrue or unbiblical, however the context it is normally used is generally the same context used when an unbeliever uses the term 'judge not lest ye be judged'.

 Both of these phrases are either arbitrary in reason or misunderstood entirely. For example any well grounded christian would know the context in Matthew 7 when he speaks of  judging not lest we be judged, was in speaking of that when a brother in Christ judged another brother who is stumbling or struggling without seemingly doing anything to help them grow ( big key, not a believer? not a brother. pretty simple there folks, doesn't mean I don't love you, but this is love, speaking the truth in it).There is something to be said for watching what we say and how.That does not mean we do not speak our convictions and judgements which could help someone repent. and ultimately help them be lead to be restored. Speaking a truth about Homosexuality, Atheism,Welfare structure, issues belonging to different ethnic cultures that affect the populous as a whole. These touchy subjects must be treated with care, and someone like myself has to keep in mind the audience I am speaking to. Otherwise reflection of Christ is lost, and the gospel is already offensive enough, it does not need us making it any worse.

  Having said that, that is not a reason to speak out against the foolishness that goes on in the world, nor does it excuse speaking out if a brother or sister has been wronged, does not mean that one can allow themselves to simply coast on by in a daily walk without ever having to speak up against the injustices that are done. It's as if Christians have become politically correct when discussing with one another the issues in the world or the struggles or things we may see going wrong in our congregations.I have searched a little through scripture about God and the Heart.some verses to look at are Ephesians 4:18,James 4:8,Luke 16:15 and Matthew 22:37.

Luke 16:15 states:

  "And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God."

This is something interesting to consider since Jesus was discussing this with the pharisees about what they exalted. If we exalt in our own minds that God knows our hearts, and say "hey God, I don't want to sin but you know my heart, we're cool right ?", this must be a slap in his face, and should create remorse. A Godly sorrow which should lead to repentance, as I know I have been guilty of this as well. It's as if we take for granted what God has done in our lives and think that simply because he knows we "want" to serve him, that suddenly absolves us from the need to repent, turn from sin. That it absolves us from submitting to godly authority and steadfastly attending a local church. It honestly is a sad excuse used today by saying, "God knows my heart, therefore I don't need to commit to a local body or submit to Godly authority because only God should be my authority."(stopping here on that topic, that is another can of worms for later in and of itself).

The scriptures I have found about God and the heart ( you can use crossway ESV bible app for Iphone or Android or their website if you wish to discuss further viewpoints); most of them seem to show either God working in man's heart and changing it to glorify him, OR it shows that God knows the heart of man and actually gives whats is due. Either it be a Romans 1 judgement or Phillipians 4:7 showing God's faithfulness to guard our hearts. I have not been able to see much validity to a phrase such as " God knows the heart". This is not to bash anyone who uses it, but if one is to use it, let us be mindful of our words and be thoughtful of the context. Just because we don't understand of what is going on in someone's life. Does not mean we forsake admonition or standing firm in a biblical truth. It seems as if we have become tolerant to our brothers and sister's staying stagnant in their walk whether it be a lack of commitment to the church and organized outings (outreach,church events), or avoiding issues that may involve discomfort.

  This is not to say that we don't grow in different paces. God has us all maturing in different ways that like an iceberg, we only see the tip, we don't see all that has been submerged and formed under the water to support what is revealed on the surface. So yes in this light "God knows the heart", and everyone's heart has sin, sin that we are defensive about letting go, sin that we are still defiant repenting of or submitting to God that has made us a traitor. We all have hurts in our heart that we willingly choose to not let go, which either hurt our relationship to the church, going to church even; or hurts that hinder our spiritual growth. This still cannot be an excuse to stay in that state of being.

Jesus Christ has given us the golden rule to follow in our hearts. Matthew 22:37 says "37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.". This is for every Christian, the answer to our heart issue. How do love the Lord our God with all our heart? Simple answer is by obeying and following his son Jesus Christ.How does that look? by how we treat one another, how we serve one another.Do we repent and ask for forgiveness from our heavenly father? or do we sit here and justify our sinful behavior and attitude. Christ will always be our solution to all our problems, first thing he always calls us to; repentance.

So on this Lord's day, to which I am finally posting my latest blog. Let it be said that yes God knows the heart. And because of that,praise his holy and righteous name; for that in his perfect wisdom he chose not to judge and damn us all to hell, where his wrath is brought forth. But rich in mercy he sent his son to die on the cross so we had a path, a very narrow path, to return to him. Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Coming soon....

So now that I have a new laptop which helps delegate the English vernacular onto the screen in a timely manner, I will hopefully have a new blog post coming in the following week here or so.