Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"the world is not subtle, why should we be subliminal"-Shai Linne,

The title of this article has been a quote I have meditated on for some time now. It is from a Christian Rap artist named Shai Linne. He is Reformed, he is solid, and most importantly God glorifying in his lyrics.The song is titled ''Taste and See''. I ask you to challenge yourself and meditate on those words he expresses in his song, "the world is not subtle, why should we be subliminal".

Those words have created much controversy in the context of thinking how we should speak to those who do not believe or to one another as brothers and sisters. I could see in both living as a christian in the world and in the christian community, there sometimes can seem to be "no go" zones on topics of discussion. Where some would steer to the left and say keep things to ourselves and do not open discussion about much outside of the weather and how bad the canucks game was, I would rebuttal with simply saying " What about Christ?". This same response would then be given to those on the far right saying express EVERYTHING ( bold and caps on purpose), where they make you feel as if you born next to them in the womb. In my walk as man who strives for purity,holiness, and simply God's glory. The last year and half now there has been this constant urge to understand how to be Balanced. Balanced in Thinking, with dealing with emotions, balanced with how we react to what is said and the nature in which we speak or rebuttal. Balanced as best as possible with things like context  of scripture, and who Jesus is (Who Jesus is, is always an interesting discussion in this post modern era and in Christian circles, one can see the over corrects sometimes clearly, others are much more subtle). This is a key thing I believe we as Christians we should strive for along with the many other things we Christians seek to be.Where is this in Scripture? Biblical backing please? I agree.

I can list you some common chapters or books in scripture that mention the tongue ( See James 3), or how to be self controlled ( which in a way is being balanced, see the Book of Titus, or Timothy when he discuss the qualifications of Elders and deacons). These in the reformed circles as well as other christian circles show to us how important it is to be reserved and watch how we speak, and that involves what we speak about. Some things could burn a house down with how hot the drama filled gossip is in people's lives. I have given in to this culture from being  around teenagers ( since not oh so long ago i was one). I remember the need to be accepted and talk about the dirty details or the common talk of the day. Jesus must have been around the same. When we read that he was among the thieves and tax collectors, around those who suffered and had issues with Lust and all sorts of issues.Are we really to think they always talked about the law of Moses? or that when Christ wasn't giving a moving and prophetic word, that they merely sat and stayed silent not revealing to one another any doubts. concerns, hardships, struggles. Peter himself was comfortable enough to rebuke Jesus when he discussed how the kingdom and the Messiah would come, so there was a relationship built there, a trust and comfort that knowing they could come to Christ. Paul is another great example of someone who discussed and talked about the issues of the day, not into great detail, but that may have been because either the Elders and leaders at say the Church of Corinth discussed the matters on a more personal level, even members of the congregation with one another. This is not to say, and I can't stress this enough as people will try to over correct, That we should all tell each other our deepest and darkest secrets, our most intimate thoughts about God and passionate desires of Life. Some things are meant for the Lord, some things are not meant for others. Some topics may be meant for a spouse, or for the select brethren you have built a relationship and trust with. That however is never an excuse to not up-build one another, to ask each other if there is anything we can do to serve them, love them, help them, pray for them. It is not enough to simply say, " That sucks bro,Pray to Jesus", where some see that as wisdom, and granted in its roots, it is. Others, who you might say, are not raised in the church, or have just come across a difficult trial in their lives,or have been burdened with saddened news, may need an ear, a shoulder and support just by having people there for them, would sometimes take this as the proverbial christian brush off.

This leads to the conclusion. Who has time for that? Who is willing to do that for people? Are we not busy enough with our own lives? to those who are in our teens, our coming into adult hood and beginning the journey of work,post-secondary etc. Since this is where I am at, I can see the temptation to just hunker down and focus on what "I need to do". I could have very "justifiable" reasons as well, to be able to provide for a family one day, buy a home, create a sturdy retirement, get out of debt. These are excellent reasons for us to strive for, and we all have a vocation to where we are called, whether it be burger flipping, text book reading, test writing or working in blue collar/white collar jobs. That however is still no excuse for us not to look to our left or right and see someone is hurting, or needing a friend. The world is not subtle about pointing out the rejects, nor is it subtle about how we should focus on ourselves and our needs. Because that is something that we all struggle with, is ourselves. We want to be on that pedestal, that crown on our head of our sand castle. Yet there is someone crying out to the Lord for a friend, there is someone asking to be heard, there is someone asking to be accepted. Why should we Christians be subliminal about that?  We are broken!, We are lost!, We are sojourners in a foreign land!, come all who are heavy burdened and heavy laden! Christ gives you rest like he gave us rest!, Let us serve you!. We can have our desires and our goals, absolutely, I AM NOT against that, I myself have desires and goals in the company that I work for and in desires to one day be a father and husband. But as christians we cannot allow that to become the Idol in our lives, the very focal point of my value. Christ is my true value, in him I am a beloved servant.As all are his children, And as Galatians 6 says;

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load.
Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

(Galatians 6:1-10 ESV) 

This is key because the first admonition is crucial, we must restore others in gentleness, but also to keep watch of ones own temptations, to either fall in same transgression or to be prideful and stand pharisaical which we all can do. It is ok for us to not always be involved, but that is never an excuse to never be involved.And verily i say, I must first ask myself what am I doing in this matter? Am I serving others? Am I loving others? And carrying their burdens, which ever they decide to reveal to me ? Let it not be said i was not there for others, I am not perfect, but strive to be like the perfect one always.

So whether we are with our Christian friends, family, or with our co-workers, non christian friends, those who are sexually immoral, homosexual,liars,adulterers, cheaters,thieves, and the tax collectors and prostitutes. Lets go sit with them? besides its not were any cleaner than them? lets hear there story, lets show them Christ and the love he showed saving our wretched souls, so that we might have new Life in him, and by God's grace, see the lost sheep being carried by our faithful and all mighty shepherd. Let us be balanced in our approach, cautious in what we say, but not fearful to relate to someone, or to put effort into a friendship that we may not see much benefit to ourselves.However may mean a life time gratitude to that person, who ultimately will have no other person to glorify other than God.To him be the power,and the kingdom, and the glory forever, Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria!