"The test of spiritual concentration is bringing theimagination into captivity. Is your imagination looking on the face of an idol?Is the idol yourself? Your work? Your conception of what a worker should be?Your experience of salvation and sanctification? Then your imagination of Godis starved, and when you are up against difficulties you have no power, you canonly endure in darkness. If your imagination is starved, do not look back toyour own experience; it is God Whom you need. Go right out of yourself, awayfrom the face of your idols, away from everything that has been starving yourimagination. Rouse yourself, take the gibe that Isaiah gave the people, anddeliberately turn your imagination to God." OswaldChambers, My Utmost for His Highest
This was a quote I came across in a program I am doing.Since nothing is new under the sunI try not to use my blog to express my own thoughts as if they are new ideasand revolutionising. As a christian this is a pretty interesting thoughthowever. How does one focus there thoughts on Christ? can we think about otherthings without it being an Idol? When does a though become a sin? these can becommon questions that we bring to the table when it comes to our minds.For what we think about is what flows from our heart.
When we are focused on our Idols,some may be obvious to us. Sex, Drugs,Money,Fame, Power... these are the bad boys of Idolatry as it were the thingswe Christian's hiss at knowing they are big black spots. But what about the more subtle things ? Comfort? Pride(what shape or size it is ?) ? How aboutLove? what about God's Law? what about images or imagery of Christ( do we worship an idea of Christ contrary to scripture ? do we think he something outside what is revealed? Do we think he is just love ?)? What about focusing on Just getting it right(Idolize rather)? See when your start sifting throughthe mud,generally there is more mud.We get how gross it is, but no one suspects abowl of Candy to be laced with poison. And that is the point. How much time do we spend focusing on the obvious Idols of society and yet neglect that God detests even those who Idolize something like marriage above him, or Idolize worship above him, or Idolize their relationship with him above him. SAYWHAT?(que high pitch voice), Can I as a Christian, really idolize myrelationship with Christ more than Christ. I believe that it is possible.
Here is why I think that we as Christians like to focus on the big battles but yetleave the small defense lines defenseless. First, we want to be in the thick of things, we want to be part of the battles with Lust, and Greed and fame and power. We want to say God has helped us overcome this Idols in our lives as almost a pride in ourselves ( yet salvation was not based on works so that why?no man could boast as ephesians says).We want people to admire that God has brought us out of temptation, out of addiction, out of slavery. To say though that you've been lead out of Idolizing a part of Christ character or Idolizing the law more than God; is less glorified as it seems that was a no brainer. This usually falls under two categories. Either a) your the heathensinner which everyone thinks how unfathomable could some one do that to God?option b) figures they would turn to the legalistic of sorts. Second) we tend to deceive ourselves that we are really are not that bad.We are so deceiving that ourhearts would idolize something like marriage, or working hard. as Jeremiah 17:9puts it, our hearts are deceitfully wicked who can know it??? Our Lord can and does, he knows our darkest and most intimate thought, he knows the worst andthe best thoughts we have day in and day out.
Now before there is a sound of pride in my words, I am someone who has noticed this first and foremost in myself, there is not a day where I don't fail some how or some way in this. That is still no reason for this topic to not come up in our daily discussion, we should be exhorting one another and challenging one another to take a step back and ask ourselves two key questions, do my actions show Christ is my primary thought and focus? Do I focus and meditate on Christ like i should and as much as I should? These questions have helped me to continue to refocus on what matters on this world.Everything is temporary what we have here. We discussed this in our evening young adults bible study where the Israelites continually turned their focus from God onto the physical things, even necessities like food and water, took precedence over focusing on God and the wonders that he did for them ( like leading them acrossa sea, defeating a tyrannical Pharaoh, nothing too big).It wasnt to say thatfood and water were not important, But when they take over our thoughts and how we view what is important in our mind it is easy for us to replace God witheven the slightest thought.
In conclusion, We all struggle and fall short of God's glory. However let us not use that as reason to stay idle, or complacent with spiritual growth. Yes there is time, but we run out of it eventually, so let us use it wisely while we are on this earth because the Lord, our Lord has given us charge over it. And firstand foremost we should use our time and our minds and imagination to glorifywhat God has done.Have a blessed Lord's day everyone.
Soli DeoGloria
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