Saturday, April 6, 2013

What is my Comfort, in Life and Death.

Food for thought;

   We as Christians say we love Christ, but honestly take a look at your life, does your life reflect that, does mine? good chances are we got some idols that are standing firm. Idols that are hard to let go of. but honestly if we profess that Christ is all that we need, why is it so difficult to let go of life, not literally, but metaphorically. The worries, the stresses, family, friends and careers. Yes these things have their place in our lives as we daily attend to them, but the Lord has it under control right? do you really believe that? do you live that out? ask myself this almost every day, what is more important; my life, or Christ.

Just a thought for the night.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord.

"14 We must all die; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast." 2 Samuel 14:14 ESV

   This is just a small blog during a time when Good Friday and Easter is brought so low to be credited to a creature that was made by the Creator. Rather than ramble on about why society has been lead astray. Let this article be of rejoicing and gospel calling to those who have fallen away and have truly missed the point of life and of what it means to be a christian.

I chose the verse above because this is the truth, this is Christ, this verse points to Christ in a place of the old testament. Yes context of the story is key as well in 2nd Samuel, but hey it does work. We must all die, that is true, not a single Human being on this earth will outlive time and existence. All will meet their due end. Water that is spilled on the ground and swallowed up by time and the soil from which we were created. You can throw all you want at me, I honestly don't care. Truth is, you and I will die. Are you comfortable with the unknown? Of not knowing IF there is an eternity, and IF  there is, are you fine with not knowing if you're heaven or hell bound? the naivety is senseless.

Christ some 2,000 years ago, walked some of his last steps. And with him dragged a Cross. with him blood dripped to the ground HE CREATED. all the thoughts must have rushed back to his head, thoughts of his childhood, of birthdays, of laughter with friends and family, of spending time with his father being a carpenter. Tears must have streamed from his face... knowing that these final hours would some of the most painful. He knew though, HE KNEW that God had devised a means that those who were lost, the banished, the out cast, the ones he loved could return.

And then the metaphorically triumphant Hallelujah, Christ speaks and says "it is FINISHED". This is the beautiful final chapter.He gives his soul, he takes our sin, he crucifies our sin, became and embodied our sin so that we may have fellowship with the father. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.I once was lost but now I'm found, twas blind but now I see. This Article is simply a call to stand in awe at the greatest moment in history, The Crux of time!  the exact center point in time, everything up to this point was pointing to him, and everything after has been because of him.Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for your bride,your body, your brothers and sisters,your children. Thank you for giving us new life so that we may worship and glorify you and magnify your name forever and ever. Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yes God knows the heart, repent....quickly

"9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
10 "I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." Jeremiah 17:9,10 ESV

   So after what seems to be a  millennium, I have found a new laptop with a very capable space bar (and lights up, and touch screen, the shiny things count ok), which has now allowed me to proceed with blogging, or ranting, debating on which is more accurate.

   So to begin again, There is a common thought out there of "Judge not lest ye be Judged" which is widely taken out of context by the post modern world today to excuse themselves from submitting to a holy a righteous God. However there is also a phrase in the modern Christian's circles that is overly used,widespread and misused at that. The phrase is 'God knows the heart', which in itself is not untrue or unbiblical, however the context it is normally used is generally the same context used when an unbeliever uses the term 'judge not lest ye be judged'.

 Both of these phrases are either arbitrary in reason or misunderstood entirely. For example any well grounded christian would know the context in Matthew 7 when he speaks of  judging not lest we be judged, was in speaking of that when a brother in Christ judged another brother who is stumbling or struggling without seemingly doing anything to help them grow ( big key, not a believer? not a brother. pretty simple there folks, doesn't mean I don't love you, but this is love, speaking the truth in it).There is something to be said for watching what we say and how.That does not mean we do not speak our convictions and judgements which could help someone repent. and ultimately help them be lead to be restored. Speaking a truth about Homosexuality, Atheism,Welfare structure, issues belonging to different ethnic cultures that affect the populous as a whole. These touchy subjects must be treated with care, and someone like myself has to keep in mind the audience I am speaking to. Otherwise reflection of Christ is lost, and the gospel is already offensive enough, it does not need us making it any worse.

  Having said that, that is not a reason to speak out against the foolishness that goes on in the world, nor does it excuse speaking out if a brother or sister has been wronged, does not mean that one can allow themselves to simply coast on by in a daily walk without ever having to speak up against the injustices that are done. It's as if Christians have become politically correct when discussing with one another the issues in the world or the struggles or things we may see going wrong in our congregations.I have searched a little through scripture about God and the Heart.some verses to look at are Ephesians 4:18,James 4:8,Luke 16:15 and Matthew 22:37.

Luke 16:15 states:

  "And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God."

This is something interesting to consider since Jesus was discussing this with the pharisees about what they exalted. If we exalt in our own minds that God knows our hearts, and say "hey God, I don't want to sin but you know my heart, we're cool right ?", this must be a slap in his face, and should create remorse. A Godly sorrow which should lead to repentance, as I know I have been guilty of this as well. It's as if we take for granted what God has done in our lives and think that simply because he knows we "want" to serve him, that suddenly absolves us from the need to repent, turn from sin. That it absolves us from submitting to godly authority and steadfastly attending a local church. It honestly is a sad excuse used today by saying, "God knows my heart, therefore I don't need to commit to a local body or submit to Godly authority because only God should be my authority."(stopping here on that topic, that is another can of worms for later in and of itself).

The scriptures I have found about God and the heart ( you can use crossway ESV bible app for Iphone or Android or their website if you wish to discuss further viewpoints); most of them seem to show either God working in man's heart and changing it to glorify him, OR it shows that God knows the heart of man and actually gives whats is due. Either it be a Romans 1 judgement or Phillipians 4:7 showing God's faithfulness to guard our hearts. I have not been able to see much validity to a phrase such as " God knows the heart". This is not to bash anyone who uses it, but if one is to use it, let us be mindful of our words and be thoughtful of the context. Just because we don't understand of what is going on in someone's life. Does not mean we forsake admonition or standing firm in a biblical truth. It seems as if we have become tolerant to our brothers and sister's staying stagnant in their walk whether it be a lack of commitment to the church and organized outings (outreach,church events), or avoiding issues that may involve discomfort.

  This is not to say that we don't grow in different paces. God has us all maturing in different ways that like an iceberg, we only see the tip, we don't see all that has been submerged and formed under the water to support what is revealed on the surface. So yes in this light "God knows the heart", and everyone's heart has sin, sin that we are defensive about letting go, sin that we are still defiant repenting of or submitting to God that has made us a traitor. We all have hurts in our heart that we willingly choose to not let go, which either hurt our relationship to the church, going to church even; or hurts that hinder our spiritual growth. This still cannot be an excuse to stay in that state of being.

Jesus Christ has given us the golden rule to follow in our hearts. Matthew 22:37 says "37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.". This is for every Christian, the answer to our heart issue. How do love the Lord our God with all our heart? Simple answer is by obeying and following his son Jesus Christ.How does that look? by how we treat one another, how we serve one another.Do we repent and ask for forgiveness from our heavenly father? or do we sit here and justify our sinful behavior and attitude. Christ will always be our solution to all our problems, first thing he always calls us to; repentance.

So on this Lord's day, to which I am finally posting my latest blog. Let it be said that yes God knows the heart. And because of that,praise his holy and righteous name; for that in his perfect wisdom he chose not to judge and damn us all to hell, where his wrath is brought forth. But rich in mercy he sent his son to die on the cross so we had a path, a very narrow path, to return to him. Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Coming soon....

So now that I have a new laptop which helps delegate the English vernacular onto the screen in a timely manner, I will hopefully have a new blog post coming in the following week here or so.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Due to technical difficulties

This is an update as to why it's been so long for a blog post, my laptop keyboard is broken, so now being left to the erroneous thumb tapping screen app, I will attempt to write a blog in the next couple says from my iPhone, Cheers everyone!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How important is imagination?

"The test of spiritual concentration is bringing theimagination into captivity. Is your imagination looking on the face of an idol?Is the idol yourself? Your work? Your conception of what a worker should be?Your experience of salvation and sanctification? Then your imagination of Godis starved, and when you are up against difficulties you have no power, you canonly endure in darkness. If your imagination is starved, do not look back toyour own experience; it is God Whom you need. Go right out of yourself, awayfrom the face of your idols, away from everything that has been starving yourimagination. Rouse yourself, take the gibe that Isaiah gave the people, anddeliberately turn your imagination to God." OswaldChambers, My Utmost for His Highest

This was a quote I came across in a program I am doing.Since nothing is new under the sunI try not to use my blog to express my own thoughts as if they are new ideasand revolutionising. As a christian this is a pretty interesting thoughthowever. How does one focus there thoughts on Christ? can we think about otherthings without it being an Idol? When does a though become a sin? these can becommon questions that we bring to the table when it comes to our minds.For what we think about is what flows from our heart.

When we are focused on  our Idols,some may be obvious to us. Sex, Drugs,Money,Fame, Power... these are the bad boys of Idolatry as it were the thingswe Christian's hiss at knowing they are big black spots. But what about the more subtle things ? Comfort? Pride(what shape or size it is ?) ? How aboutLove? what about God's Law? what about images or imagery of Christ( do we worship an idea of Christ contrary to scripture ? do we think he something outside what is revealed? Do we think he is just love ?)? What about focusing on Just getting it right(Idolize rather)? See when your start sifting throughthe mud,generally there is more mud.We get how gross it is, but no one suspects abowl of Candy to be laced with poison. And that is the point. How much time do we spend focusing on the obvious Idols of society and yet neglect that God detests even those who Idolize something like marriage above him, or Idolize worship above him, or Idolize their relationship with him above him. SAYWHAT?(que high pitch voice), Can I as a Christian, really idolize myrelationship with Christ more than Christ. I believe that it is possible.

Here is why I think that we as Christians like to focus on the big battles but yetleave the small defense lines defenseless. First, we want to be in the thick of things, we want to be part of the battles with Lust, and Greed and fame and power. We want to say God has helped us overcome this Idols in our lives as almost a pride in ourselves ( yet salvation was not based on works so that why?no man could boast as ephesians says).We want people to admire that God has brought us out of temptation, out of addiction, out of slavery. To say though that you've been lead out of Idolizing a part of Christ character or Idolizing the law more than God; is less glorified as it seems that was a no brainer. This usually falls under two categories. Either a) your the heathensinner which everyone thinks how unfathomable could some one do that to God?option b) figures they would turn to the legalistic of sorts. Second) we tend to deceive ourselves that we are really are not that bad.We are so deceiving that ourhearts would idolize something like marriage, or working hard. as Jeremiah 17:9puts it, our hearts are deceitfully wicked who can know it??? Our Lord can and does, he knows our darkest and most intimate thought, he knows the worst andthe best thoughts we have day in and day out. 

Now before there is a sound of pride in my words, I am someone who has noticed this first and foremost in myself, there is not a day where I don't fail some how or some way in this. That is still no reason for this topic to not come up in our daily discussion, we should be exhorting one another and challenging one another to take a step back and ask ourselves two key questions, do my actions show Christ is my primary thought and focus? Do I focus and meditate on Christ like i should and as much as I should? These questions have helped me to continue to refocus on what matters on this world.Everything is temporary what we have here. We discussed this in our evening young adults bible study where the Israelites continually turned their focus from God onto the physical things, even necessities like food and water, took precedence  over focusing on God and the wonders that he did for them ( like leading them acrossa sea, defeating a tyrannical Pharaoh, nothing too big).It wasnt to say thatfood and water were not important, But when they take over our thoughts and how we view what is important in our mind it is easy for us to replace God witheven the slightest thought.

In conclusion, We all struggle and fall short of God's glory. However let us not use that as reason to stay idle, or complacent with spiritual growth. Yes there is time, but we run out of it eventually, so let us use it wisely while we are on this earth because the Lord, our Lord has given us charge over it. And firstand foremost we should use our time and our minds and imagination to glorifywhat God has done.Have a blessed Lord's day everyone.

Soli DeoGloria

Friday, January 25, 2013

Who is Like you...

This past Friday we had a Young adults bible study. It was based on Exodus 15:1-21. Called the "song of the sea" or the "song of Moses and Miriam", this passage in scripture is quite a beautiful song of God's faithfulness and Mercy but also o his righteousness, might and how he stands for justice. After reading it and discussing it one verse stuck out that I have been meditating on for the last few days.

"Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" Exodus 15:11 (ESV)

To really meditate on this and think about how great and awesome God the father, Sent God the Son, to give us God the Holy Spirit.When life seems to dripping down the proverbial drain, or when things have not seem to be going just quite the way you expected it. It is comforting to know and always go back to scripture like this.It is encouraging to know that it was not up to us, to save ourselves. It is comforting to know Christ chose his people, not the other way around. It is comforting to know the fate of the Human race is not up to us. Despite my flaws and my sinful nature, God in his rich wisdom did not let controlling the universe itself into any of our hands. He simply called and we follow.

To put it more into perspective, we can sometimes ask ourselves "what do we do when we sin?". Funny enough... A batman film may be speaking this subtle truth. In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne falls down a well and his father comes down to get him. He asks him " what do we do when we fall down? we get back up" ( paraphrased but I am pretty sure that is how it goes). The real question is how ? How can a lowly sinner, when suddenly they are caught in either habitual sin or realize a sin they have been neglecting to repent of, or just simply fall. How does one like this get back up?

The simple and yet complex answer in this is too look at Christ.Look at his Glory and all that he has done.From Genesis we can see our God transforming a formless,dark, void and submerged under water.This is a concept I came across while doing the way of Purity course at ( which I will talk about again sometime).And to see God take that and make into something amazing and with Life is something I think any christian can appreciate.I read recently a blog article from OneChristianDad where he talked about temptation and how Christ was tempted. It gave me another perspective to consider and made an excellent point I thought.

In it he says "After Jesus’ temptation passes, angels came to attend to Him.  I cannot claim that angels came to minister to me, but what I do know is that after the exhaustion, after the pain, after the test, there is rest.  Real rest. There is peace that is so exceedingly profound that  I cannot do it justice with words.  The reality of Christ and the love of the Father are so real, so immense so overwhelming.  By God’s grace I stood this test in the strength that Christ provides.  The glory goes to God alone and the Peace and joy, and certainty of faith flows from him to me.".This is a true and humble way to see how through any trials and even any errors we may make, God is faithful and will bring us through.This isn't a call for complacency but a call for humility and to Glorify what Christ has done on the cross and worship him.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

TItus Award !

So to start, this is probably my most distinguished Accolade I have received !... oh boy...
At any rate I must fulfill my obligation to this award!

Titus 2:1 Award

My pastor Jim Witteveen, blog is Has bestowed upon me his "Titus 2:1 award" post, despite my noob like status, and the fact He is my pastor ( not biased at all haha). He asked those he nominated to answer some questions. So here i shall divulge.
1. If you could have dinner with any historical theologian/preacher, who would it be and why?
Oh the list, from the modern I would say Mark Driscoll, John Piper, and the more likely but still interesting man to talk with Dr.DeVisser ( Pastor Jim can correct the spelling for later updating)

In the past, the more obvious  would be that of Paul and Elijah, John Calvin, C.H.Spurgeon.

If it had to be one, I would say Spurgeon, hearing of his tales and how he being a young man himself kept zealous and preached the Gospel with authority to people.

2. What one burning question would you ask?

Where have we gone wrong, and how do we fix it. (it's a two parter)
3. What would you eat?

Bacon, and beer. have to be in there. Anything else is added bonus.

4. What was the last Bible verse you read?

Galatians 6:1-10

Now to nominate someone, I shall nominate RYAN SMITH! A.K.A. One Christian Dad.

Soli Deo Gratia ( also correct if need be ! )

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"the world is not subtle, why should we be subliminal"-Shai Linne,

The title of this article has been a quote I have meditated on for some time now. It is from a Christian Rap artist named Shai Linne. He is Reformed, he is solid, and most importantly God glorifying in his lyrics.The song is titled ''Taste and See''. I ask you to challenge yourself and meditate on those words he expresses in his song, "the world is not subtle, why should we be subliminal".

Those words have created much controversy in the context of thinking how we should speak to those who do not believe or to one another as brothers and sisters. I could see in both living as a christian in the world and in the christian community, there sometimes can seem to be "no go" zones on topics of discussion. Where some would steer to the left and say keep things to ourselves and do not open discussion about much outside of the weather and how bad the canucks game was, I would rebuttal with simply saying " What about Christ?". This same response would then be given to those on the far right saying express EVERYTHING ( bold and caps on purpose), where they make you feel as if you born next to them in the womb. In my walk as man who strives for purity,holiness, and simply God's glory. The last year and half now there has been this constant urge to understand how to be Balanced. Balanced in Thinking, with dealing with emotions, balanced with how we react to what is said and the nature in which we speak or rebuttal. Balanced as best as possible with things like context  of scripture, and who Jesus is (Who Jesus is, is always an interesting discussion in this post modern era and in Christian circles, one can see the over corrects sometimes clearly, others are much more subtle). This is a key thing I believe we as Christians we should strive for along with the many other things we Christians seek to be.Where is this in Scripture? Biblical backing please? I agree.

I can list you some common chapters or books in scripture that mention the tongue ( See James 3), or how to be self controlled ( which in a way is being balanced, see the Book of Titus, or Timothy when he discuss the qualifications of Elders and deacons). These in the reformed circles as well as other christian circles show to us how important it is to be reserved and watch how we speak, and that involves what we speak about. Some things could burn a house down with how hot the drama filled gossip is in people's lives. I have given in to this culture from being  around teenagers ( since not oh so long ago i was one). I remember the need to be accepted and talk about the dirty details or the common talk of the day. Jesus must have been around the same. When we read that he was among the thieves and tax collectors, around those who suffered and had issues with Lust and all sorts of issues.Are we really to think they always talked about the law of Moses? or that when Christ wasn't giving a moving and prophetic word, that they merely sat and stayed silent not revealing to one another any doubts. concerns, hardships, struggles. Peter himself was comfortable enough to rebuke Jesus when he discussed how the kingdom and the Messiah would come, so there was a relationship built there, a trust and comfort that knowing they could come to Christ. Paul is another great example of someone who discussed and talked about the issues of the day, not into great detail, but that may have been because either the Elders and leaders at say the Church of Corinth discussed the matters on a more personal level, even members of the congregation with one another. This is not to say, and I can't stress this enough as people will try to over correct, That we should all tell each other our deepest and darkest secrets, our most intimate thoughts about God and passionate desires of Life. Some things are meant for the Lord, some things are not meant for others. Some topics may be meant for a spouse, or for the select brethren you have built a relationship and trust with. That however is never an excuse to not up-build one another, to ask each other if there is anything we can do to serve them, love them, help them, pray for them. It is not enough to simply say, " That sucks bro,Pray to Jesus", where some see that as wisdom, and granted in its roots, it is. Others, who you might say, are not raised in the church, or have just come across a difficult trial in their lives,or have been burdened with saddened news, may need an ear, a shoulder and support just by having people there for them, would sometimes take this as the proverbial christian brush off.

This leads to the conclusion. Who has time for that? Who is willing to do that for people? Are we not busy enough with our own lives? to those who are in our teens, our coming into adult hood and beginning the journey of work,post-secondary etc. Since this is where I am at, I can see the temptation to just hunker down and focus on what "I need to do". I could have very "justifiable" reasons as well, to be able to provide for a family one day, buy a home, create a sturdy retirement, get out of debt. These are excellent reasons for us to strive for, and we all have a vocation to where we are called, whether it be burger flipping, text book reading, test writing or working in blue collar/white collar jobs. That however is still no excuse for us not to look to our left or right and see someone is hurting, or needing a friend. The world is not subtle about pointing out the rejects, nor is it subtle about how we should focus on ourselves and our needs. Because that is something that we all struggle with, is ourselves. We want to be on that pedestal, that crown on our head of our sand castle. Yet there is someone crying out to the Lord for a friend, there is someone asking to be heard, there is someone asking to be accepted. Why should we Christians be subliminal about that?  We are broken!, We are lost!, We are sojourners in a foreign land!, come all who are heavy burdened and heavy laden! Christ gives you rest like he gave us rest!, Let us serve you!. We can have our desires and our goals, absolutely, I AM NOT against that, I myself have desires and goals in the company that I work for and in desires to one day be a father and husband. But as christians we cannot allow that to become the Idol in our lives, the very focal point of my value. Christ is my true value, in him I am a beloved servant.As all are his children, And as Galatians 6 says;

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load.
Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

(Galatians 6:1-10 ESV) 

This is key because the first admonition is crucial, we must restore others in gentleness, but also to keep watch of ones own temptations, to either fall in same transgression or to be prideful and stand pharisaical which we all can do. It is ok for us to not always be involved, but that is never an excuse to never be involved.And verily i say, I must first ask myself what am I doing in this matter? Am I serving others? Am I loving others? And carrying their burdens, which ever they decide to reveal to me ? Let it not be said i was not there for others, I am not perfect, but strive to be like the perfect one always.

So whether we are with our Christian friends, family, or with our co-workers, non christian friends, those who are sexually immoral, homosexual,liars,adulterers, cheaters,thieves, and the tax collectors and prostitutes. Lets go sit with them? besides its not were any cleaner than them? lets hear there story, lets show them Christ and the love he showed saving our wretched souls, so that we might have new Life in him, and by God's grace, see the lost sheep being carried by our faithful and all mighty shepherd. Let us be balanced in our approach, cautious in what we say, but not fearful to relate to someone, or to put effort into a friendship that we may not see much benefit to ourselves.However may mean a life time gratitude to that person, who ultimately will have no other person to glorify other than God.To him be the power,and the kingdom, and the glory forever, Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

To Start..

To start this blog, Lets begin with a quote;

"There must be a divorce! Within the egg of sin there sleeps the seed of damnation! Man, there must be a divorce between you and your sins. Not a mere separation for a season, but a clear divorce. Cut off the right arm; pluck out the right eye, and cast them from you, or else you cannot enter into eternal life." Charles Spurgeon, The Chief of Sinners 

  Alright so pretty big on the heavy Debby downer eh? Oh look another Doom and Gloom kinda guy. Well fair enough it does seem odd that this would be the start to a blog. No getting to know the blogger, no discussion or light topic as it were.Well the fact of it is, Cant seem to see where else to start off with ( unless you want to go back to Genesis 1?).The reality is this blog will be for Christians mainly, if God wills that someone comes who either does not believe or is misinformed, then all the more glory to God.I wanted to share this excerpt of  C.H. Spurgeon's sermon I believe, because it is where we start this interesting journey.

  For some time now I have been going through my own trials and battles with maintaining holiness(yes that ambitious, I suppose..),striving for God's glory among the other many list of things we as Christians strive to do daily, and in many ways don't meet most of them. Find myself tediously looking for the next passage in scripture to fix what is ailing my sinful nature from truly breaking free and serving our great Lord and King. Then as God normally works, on a day that I take oh so for granted, walked in to Church, knowing what to expect. Worship,Sermon,Lord's Supper, Catechism, done. Its been ingrained into my head now the routine of how things are done, And yet I am thankful for this. Where some see boring, legalistic (judging from there not so "legalistic" standpoint),monotonous routine. The Lord may be starting to reveal me the simple beauty to appreciate what he has ordained in his word to be done, because through it his means and will are brought into the hearts of every believer. How does this relate to the quote and where was this going ?

My pastor preached on Mark 9, the transfiguration of Christ in front of  Peter,James and John. Peter as we later discussed in Catechism, is someone who we should all look to as an example of a sinner who acts irrational, thinks foolishly, speaks loudly, and is  humbled quickly.Someone who Christ  had such compassion for, that allowed him to go so far as deny him thrice and still make him an apostle, a man who would tend the flock until his return. As I listened, one common thought came from the sermon, and some days that is a miracle (not to the discredit of my pastor, I am just forgetful at times where I really shouldn't).All I could think of is Christ was transformed into what I would say is the beginning of the end, the final 10 meters, the last lap, The Finish line.This marvellous time where it is revealed  in the word and before men where Christ comes out and shows but a fraction of his divinity and glory. So small yet the smallest fraction dumbfounds man, carnal man. That is what I ended up meditating on most of the day ( Along with Hebrews 7:25, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, and now 1 Peter 5:6-11, check em out!). His glory was so awesome ( not as in cool, but as awing God in his might and glory), that God the father had put it in simple words, "...this is my beloved son;Listen to him.'' Mark 9:7b, so plain and simple and yet so beautiful and glorifying.It was at this moment of meditating and thinking that things started to click in little ways that get me all excited as if bacon was cooking.

 Realising that Christ's glory is all that matters. Not my worry, not my suffering, not my pain, because as 2 Corinthians 4, and 1 Peter 5 explain. It is all to show Christ's Glory, and in return and in time God will "...restore,confirm,strengthen and establish you.'' 1 Peter 5:10B. That whole verse talks about in the context of elders if you start at verse one, but one can see the personal implication as a day in-day out Christian walk.So to wrap up, to have sin cut off, plucked out, and as C.H. Spurgeon says; " Divorce sin,not just for a season" (paraphrased), this is done by seeing who we are compared to Christ. It is truly a beautiful thought to know what He did on the cross has freed us from the slavery of sin, as the Canons of  Dort Head of Doctrine 5 states, So that we may worship and glorify him. He has given us his spirit. We can walk in Holiness sisters and brothers, we can walk away from Egypt. And if we go back? Well as the late Blind Willie Johnson once said, " It's Nobody's Fault But Mine".

Soli Deo Gloria.