Friday, January 25, 2013

Who is Like you...

This past Friday we had a Young adults bible study. It was based on Exodus 15:1-21. Called the "song of the sea" or the "song of Moses and Miriam", this passage in scripture is quite a beautiful song of God's faithfulness and Mercy but also o his righteousness, might and how he stands for justice. After reading it and discussing it one verse stuck out that I have been meditating on for the last few days.

"Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" Exodus 15:11 (ESV)

To really meditate on this and think about how great and awesome God the father, Sent God the Son, to give us God the Holy Spirit.When life seems to dripping down the proverbial drain, or when things have not seem to be going just quite the way you expected it. It is comforting to know and always go back to scripture like this.It is encouraging to know that it was not up to us, to save ourselves. It is comforting to know Christ chose his people, not the other way around. It is comforting to know the fate of the Human race is not up to us. Despite my flaws and my sinful nature, God in his rich wisdom did not let controlling the universe itself into any of our hands. He simply called and we follow.

To put it more into perspective, we can sometimes ask ourselves "what do we do when we sin?". Funny enough... A batman film may be speaking this subtle truth. In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne falls down a well and his father comes down to get him. He asks him " what do we do when we fall down? we get back up" ( paraphrased but I am pretty sure that is how it goes). The real question is how ? How can a lowly sinner, when suddenly they are caught in either habitual sin or realize a sin they have been neglecting to repent of, or just simply fall. How does one like this get back up?

The simple and yet complex answer in this is too look at Christ.Look at his Glory and all that he has done.From Genesis we can see our God transforming a formless,dark, void and submerged under water.This is a concept I came across while doing the way of Purity course at ( which I will talk about again sometime).And to see God take that and make into something amazing and with Life is something I think any christian can appreciate.I read recently a blog article from OneChristianDad where he talked about temptation and how Christ was tempted. It gave me another perspective to consider and made an excellent point I thought.

In it he says "After Jesus’ temptation passes, angels came to attend to Him.  I cannot claim that angels came to minister to me, but what I do know is that after the exhaustion, after the pain, after the test, there is rest.  Real rest. There is peace that is so exceedingly profound that  I cannot do it justice with words.  The reality of Christ and the love of the Father are so real, so immense so overwhelming.  By God’s grace I stood this test in the strength that Christ provides.  The glory goes to God alone and the Peace and joy, and certainty of faith flows from him to me.".This is a true and humble way to see how through any trials and even any errors we may make, God is faithful and will bring us through.This isn't a call for complacency but a call for humility and to Glorify what Christ has done on the cross and worship him.

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